Are you looking for press materials? Here you can find the logo and photos of Galeria nad Jeziorem to download.
The logotype of Galeria nad Jeziorem is considered as a trademark within the meaning of the Act of 30 June, 2000 – Industrial Property Law (Journal of Laws of 2013, item 1410 with later amendments), and protected by trademark laws no. 187382, registered by the Stage Konin sp. z o.o. company. At the same time the logotype of Galeria nad Jeziorem shopping centre is the copyrighted work in the meaning of Art. 1 of Act on Copyrights and Related Rights of 4 February, 1994 (Journal of Laws of 2016, item 666 with later amendments). For the above reasons, any use of the Galeria nad Jeziorem logotype without prior written notice of Stage Konin sp. z o.o. is strictly forbidden.